NFC technology is one of the most advanced features that many modern smartphones contain. The features and operating principles of such a system are reflected in the very name of this tool, which sounds like Near Field Communication. For example, this technology helps users to transmit data in wireless mode. This method is optimal for…
Mesh technology support
Mobility is the main advantage of any wireless network. The device can be connected to a wireless network and then, any user gets access to Internet resources from any corner of the office or apartment. Common problems with the classic Wi-Fi network are poor connection quality with distance from the router, low speed and periodic…
The situation on the labor market in IT today
Within the boundaries of the IT market, there are some truthful sentences and myths. That’s why fresh blood that plans to work in the digital field, often doesn’t realize it’s true. So, many people are interested in the fact that in the IT field, developers pay a lot of their employees and hire anyone. We…
Top-5 Technological Electric Cars
The popularity of electric cars is steadily growing, so the market is constantly being updated with the new models. In this regard, even private companies have begun to develop maintenance and charging station infrastructure. Manufacturers offer models for all tastes and wallets, some of the cars can compete even with race cars in terms of…
When a Drives is not Needed: Safety of Self-Driving Cars in Urban Environments
According to a survey conducted in the United States, the majority of citizens do not trust unmanned vehicles. Among a large number of respondents, 42% said they would never use a fully autonomous car, while the other 56% said they would only agree to use it if they were completely sure that it was safe.…
Automated car parking
Often, the car parking process is a true test for drivers, especially those who suffer as beginners. But this problem is manifested in experienced motorists who have moved to a new car and no longer feel the dimensions of their vehicle. To simplify the parking process, modern professionals began to develop, improve and implement such…